North Brazil


The Northern region of Brazil is the largest with 3,869,637 square kilometers and has seven states. Besides being the largest territorial area, it is located in the two largest states of Brazil: Amazonas and Pará. Despite being the largest region of Brazil, it is the least populated. The region is bordered on the south by Mato Grosso, Goiás and Bolivia. On the north it borders with Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana, and on the east by Maranhão and Piauí and Bahia and finally on the west with Peru and Colombia. The climate is quite humid, with an equatorial climate. Temperatures are high throughout the year. The rains are constant, having a dry season from June to November. The highest rainfall in the coastal areas are of Amapa, mouth of the Amazon River. It is in the Northern Region that is located the largest ecosystem in the world. The Amazon accounts for over a third of the world’s forest reserves. Its main features are the big and wide trees (broadleaf species), close to one another and joined by vines and epiphytes (plants that rely on others). Because of the climate, hot and rainy, it promotes plant growth and reproduction of animals throughout the whole year, making the Amazon forest home to the most varied flora of the planet.


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